Running azure cli on Raspberry Pi using docker containers
Few days ago i was playing with my Pi 2 and wanted to execute Azure CLI 2.0 commands to deploy some containers to Azure Container Registry. I knew i probably had to compile cli source code to target arm proccesor. I found that azure cli git-hub repository doesn’t have proper build script support for arm target. I filled Bug 6092 and started to modified build scripts. After some altering i made it working, but when it striked me - why just not use docker arm image and replicate cli docker file instructions.
So below is instructions how to run azure cli on raspberry Pi using docker containers.
Prepare your Raspbery PI and run Azure CLI
Install Git and Docker
Git installation command
sudo apt-get install git
Docker installation command
curl -sSL | sh
Clone and Build repository
sudo git clone
cd .\raspberry-pi-alpine-azure-cli
sudo docker build . -t azure-cli
This will build docker image with title ‘azure-cli’
Running commands in docker image
Starting Docker container in demon mode and giving it name ‘cli’
sudo docker run -d -it --rm --name cli azure-cli
Docker container running as demon with bash shell opened
Verifiying that container running
sudo docker ps
17c2e621f9b4 | azure-cli | “/usr/bin/ /…” | 49 seconds ago | Up 46 seconds | cli |
Executing command login to azure
Since docker container is running and waiting any command to be executed you can use docker exec command. Command below will execute azure cli login.
sudo docker exec cli az login
Once you logged in please use Azure Cli command refference to see available commands and there parameters