Secure Decommissioning of IoT Devices: Lessons from Recycling my home MXChip Development Board project
Streamlining Your Coding Experience with
Hosting and deploying a static website to Azure. Using azure storage account and github actions
GitHub Pages - test from long years of blogging pause
GitHub Pages - run Jekyll using Docker container and deploy it using Azure Container Instances
Running azure cli on Raspberry Pi using docker containers
Streaming live video from Rasspberry pi to Azure Media Services
When you overgrow your RaspberryPi sd card - How to clone SD card and re-size root partition
Using Json Web Keys from OpenID Connect discovery spec to work with JWT token authentication in Azure Media Services
Azure Media Services and JWT related changes in Azure AD integration sample
Integrate Azure Media Services OWIN MVC based app with Azure Active Directory
JWT token Authentication in Azure Media Services and Dynamic Encryption
Windows Azure Media Services .NET SDK release
How to encode audio with Windows Azure Media Services
Windows Azure Media Services has been released to
Quick tip: Validating Nuget package by installing it from local disk
Windows Azure Powershell for Media Services
CloudTable.Exists() when referencing Table through SAS Url
How to force download file in a browser by specifying mime type
Managing assets across multiple storage accounts In Windows Azure Media Services and defining load balancing strategy