How to encode audio with Windows Azure Media Services
When you creating encoding job in Windows Azure Media Services you can select encoder and corresponding configuration (preset). Windows azure Media Services supports named presets as well as presets in form of xml files.
To see list of name presets for Windows Azure Media Encoder follow this link:
Configuration which you need to use to encode audio with Windows Azure Media Encoder is following
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?> <!--Created with Expression Encoder version 4.0.4276.0--> <Preset Version="4.0"> <Job /> <MediaFile WindowsMediaProfileLanguage="ja-JP" VideoResizeMode="Letterbox"> <OutputFormat> <MP4OutputFormat StreamCompatibility="Standard"> <AudioProfile> <AacAudioProfile Level="AacLC" Codec="AAC" Channels="2" BitsPerSample="16" SamplesPerSecond="44100"> <Bitrate> <ConstantBitrate Bitrate="256" IsTwoPass="False" BufferWindow="00:00:00" /> </Bitrate> </AacAudioProfile> </AudioProfile> </MP4OutputFormat> </OutputFormat> </MediaFile> </Preset>
General process of creating job can be found